Today, U.S. House of Representatives International Relations Committee unanimously endorsed the re-introduced H.R. 5680 (formerly HR 4423), Ethiopia Freedom, Democracy, and Human Rights Advancement Act of 2006 as per the agreement reached by the two congressmen Mike Honda and Smith.
The truly bipartisan Bill, Sponsored by U.S. Congressman Chris Smith (Republican), and Congressman Donald Payne (Democrat) - H.R. 5680 - is expected to be presented to the full house for a vote shortly after Congress returns from the Summer recess on Labor Day, September 5, 2006.
Honorable Ana Gomez made a remarkable speech at a gathering in congress in front people including Mike Honda, Donald Payne and others around 5pm EST. She was extremely persuasive in her arguments and very rich in data. She spoke eye ball to eye ball to the weyane Embassy spies and the American Election Expert of Woyane Ato Befekadu who tried to redicule her saying that the election was free and fair and that the leaders were in jail becasue of their crime ....
The Ethiopian community hosted Anna with a very colourful dinner (around 7pm EST after the congress) at which Anna preached all the audience with a highly emotional at the same time substantive speech which was like a river flowing in the desert that goes deep in the heart of all desperate Ethiopians. She was also demanding the US people to collaborate with those in Europe stating that the only thing that MPs in Europe were waiting for is their US counter parts for speaking loud and clear to the tormenters in Ethiopia.
Among others Anna was honored with gifts on behalf of the community with Kiflu\'s new book \"Ginbot 7\" signed by him.